The I Leave To You App

What will you leave behind when you die?

I Leave to You (ILTY) is an end-of-life planning app that provides a simple and safe way to list and identify your assets and store digitized memories for surviving family and friends. The data is entered and maintained by you, whenever you need to update the information from anywhere on the internet. On your death, a releaser identified by you, will be able to send your information and memories to the designated loved ones identified in ILTY by you and also to important people identified in your will, eg your executor.

Who can use I Leave To You?

The ILTY end-of-life planning app provides Canadian residents* the chance to store information you would like your family and friends to be aware of when you die, or cannot tell them due to illness. All personal data entered on ILTY is stored on Canadian cloud servers and backed up on other Canadian-based servers.

Do you need a will?

Your wishes and information stored on ILTY are NOT legally binding but instead offer guidance on your wishes to an Administrator, Executor, or Trustee of your legal will. All users should have a legal will created and accessible to your executor. You can store it on ILTY and the releaser can send it to your executor with your other wishes.

* We are currently unable to provide services to residents of Quebec. We appreciate your interest and hope to be able to expand our operations soon.

Make it easy to share your memories, assets and important information with family & friends, using I Leave To You, an end-of-life planning and estate planning app.

Why Was ILTY Created?

“I created ILTY in memory of two great people in my life that did not have an easy way to pass on their memories or important information to their family, when they died early, due to Cancer and Heart issues. My wife, died in her mid-30s due to Breast Cancer, leaving behind three beautiful very young daughters. To this day they do not have any video or recordings of their mother. A good friend and employee, went in for a low risk operation on his heart and did not recover from the surgery. He did not have time to easily pass onto his finance and daughter any memories or last wishes to them in case he has complications from the surgery.

This site is dedicated to Charmaine’s and Art’s memories. As well, I will donate, in their name, to either the Cancer Care or Heart Foundation in your province 10% of all revenue generated from all users. I just ask that you indicate your choice when you note what province you are currently residing in at the time of registration into our Basic+ or Premium subscriptions.”

~ Joseph Coady, ILTY creator

features & benefits

Powerful features
& peace of mind.

With the safe I Leave To You app, your data is secured using the most modern privacy and access controls.
store your data


Your data is secured using the most modern privacy and access controls. Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) verifies your identity each time you log in. As well, all data entered in by you is fully encrypted using Miltary Grade AES256.

The I Leave To You app provides excellent Organization and an efficient, fast way to disperse your assets after death.
disperse assets


Designate one person or ‘Releaser’ in the app, who will be the person to distribute your information and wishes when you die.  Rest easy knowing your information will be dispersed correctly!

Take control of your life with the I Leave To You's accessibility features. Document / record your information using any device (including PC/MAC, tablet or phone)
take control


Document / record your information using any device (including PC/MAC, tablet or phone) Try our unique Progressive Web App or download ILTY from the Apple and Android play store.

The I Leave To You app offers great simplicity and is easy to use for seniors.  Use on any device!
easy to learn


Record your information into eight main sections– including a special memories area where you can record short audio/videos, then leave memories to a single person or groups.

how does it work?


The I Leave To You app organizes your information into nine main sections.
Manage all your Personal Information in I Leave To You, a death planning and estate planning app.

My Personal Info

Allows users to record their personal info, including where & when you were born, social insurance number, previous military/police service and the location of your will.
Manage the My People section in I Leave To You, an end-of-life planning and estate planning app.

My People

Record who those special people are in your life! Next of Kin, Doctors, Lawyers etc. The Releaser has a special role in this app, with the ability to release your information to family &  friends as requested.
Manage the My Memories section in I Leave To You, an end-of-life planning and estate planning app.

My Memories

Record text, audio or videos, and identify who should receive the Memories by email when you die. These special messages are released by the Releaser as identified when you create them.
Manage the My Financials section in I Leave To You, an end-of-life planning and estate planning app.

My Financials

Record all of your bank accounts, investments and other special RRSP info. Also identify what monthly expenses you pay, so they can be discontinued quickly when you pass away.
Manage the My Insurance section in I Leave To You, an end-of-life planning and estate planning app.

My Insurance

Specify what personal and company insurance plans you have, as well as who holds them & what people they’re allocated to. Upload your documents / policies.
Manage the My Assets section in I Leave To You, an end-of-life planning and estate planning app.

My Assets

Record your physical assets (like houses, vehicles, furniture, jewelry, etc) and identify any special people who should receive these assets upon your death..
Manage your Digital Assets in I Leave To You, an end-of-life planning and estate planning app.

My Digital Assets

Record any memberships & social accounts you have on the Internet, and what payments are made on a monthly basis. This section is important for prompt account cancellations after death.
Manage the My Funeral section in I Leave To You, a death planning and estate planning app.

My Funeral Plans

Here you can easily specify any special instructions you want carried out upon your death, such as how you wish to be celebrated or remembered, and where you wish to be buried.
Manage the My Medical section in I Leave To You, an end-of-life planning and estate planning app.

My Medical

Record all your personal health information in one convenient place.  Quickly access a list of your blood test readings, current drugs you’re taking, and important medical procedures.

'My Medical' section...

Organize and track medications and medical records in I Leave To You, an end-of-life planning and estate planning app.

“The ‘My Medical’ section was added recently due to a simple inability for my provincial health care system to easily send my medical records between one office and another when I had a medical emergency.

In winter 2023 it was noted by Canadian news channels that approximately 20% of Canadians do NOT have family doctors! Canadians should be able to store their own medical information online and access it anytime as needed.

I feel that Canadians should be able to easily store important medical information in a place where they can access and download it on a regular basis for review and also access it when they do routine or emergency visits to medical facilities at any time. “

~ Joseph Coady, ILTY creator

Your Goal in ILTY:

Once you’ve setup your login and obtained access to the ILTY your first objective should be to add as much information as possible to each of the eight main areas in the application. If your plan allows adding of attachments please add some pictures, pdfs or word files to specific sections of the application for supporting information as needed. When that is done go to the ‘Account Settings’ tab in the application and click the ‘My information as a PDF’ link. This will send a written summary of your data to you as a pdf. Always review your PDF data for accuracy, and pass the pdf to any person you feel should have access to this information.

View sample (pdf) of ILTY data

Then go back into the app and add any special Memories –including any pictures, audio or videos– and ensure you identify who should get them accurately by email. Once that’s done, you can download all of the attachments in a ZIP file by going to the ‘Account Settings’ tab and click the ‘My Information and Files as a ZIP’. This will initiate a download to your email that includes all of your memories & attachments in one file that you can pass to special people as needed, in the event you pass away.

How to Upload Your Files to ILTY:


The Releaser is an essential person in your circle of friends & family whom you give access rights to your data, so he/she can release it to the appropriate people upon your death. The list of Personal, Financial, Insurance etc data is all downloadable as an Adobe PDF file that can be emailed to the main person responsible for settling your estate.

As well, any special memories that you’ve recorded for special family and close friends can be emailed directly to those people by the Releaser.  The ILTY end-of-life planning app makes it easy to distribute your memories and messages correctly after you die.

Please see our Terms & Conditions page for Terms of Use, EULA and Privacy Policy.

Assign an executor in  I Leave To You, an end-of-life planning and estate planning app.

Our Plans


$0.00 CAD

one year
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Store and update data only
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Download into PDF format monthly
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Use anytime for one free year. At end of year one, all your data is deleted.
I Leave To You app, pricing plans -upgrade plan to use this feature.
No push notifications (email reminders to refresh data)
I Leave To You app, pricing plans -upgrade plan to use this feature.
No ability to upload attachments / memories
I Leave To You app, pricing plans -upgrade plan to use this feature.
Releaser feature not enabled.
I Leave To You app, pricing plans -upgrade plan to use this feature.
My Medical not included.
Get Started

Basic +

$10.00 CAD / year

or $1 / month
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Store and update data only
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Download into PDF format monthly
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Use anytime; your data is never deleted, as long as subscription is active.
I Leave To You app, pricing plans -upgrade plan to use this feature.
No push notifications (email reminders to refresh data)
I Leave To You app, pricing plans -upgrade plan to use this feature.
No ability to upload attachments / memories
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Releaser feature is enabled.
I Leave To You app, pricing plans -upgrade plan to use this feature.
My Medical not included.
Get Started
10% of all revenue from clients in ILTY go to their provincial charity choice between Heart and Stroke or Cancer.


$99.99 CAD / year

or $9.99 / month
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Store and update data only
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Download info in PDF format at any time
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Upload attachments / memories
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Push notifications enabled (email reminders to refresh data)
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Up to 100 GB data Storage (for your video /audio /photos /documents)
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Up to 20 GB data/media Downloads /month (needed to preview videos etc )
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
Releaser feature is enabled.
I Leave To You app, pricing plans - feature available indicator.
My Medical is included
Get Started
10% of all revenue from clients in ILTY go to their provincial charity choice between Heart and Stroke or Cancer.
Questions ?

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